Posters Cognitive remediation Improving outcome through improving cognition in Severe Mental Illness Combining interventions to foster recovery in Severe Mental Illness Client Perspective: Acceptability of Combining Cognitive Remediation and transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for People with Severe Mental Illness Cognitive Adaptation Training Cognitive Adaptation Training: is it effective as a nursing intervention in a hospital setting? The CATwalk from scientific models to practice: implementation research to promote the daily use of Cognitive Adaptation Training in people with severe mental illnesses in long-term care. Multiple Perspectives on Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Care for People with Severe Mental Illnesses in the Netherlands Negative Symptoms Reconsidering evidence, focus & the effectivity of treatments for negative symptoms Dutch validation of the Self-evaluation of Negative Symproms (SNS) This is Me Care about identity; identity-based care practices for people with a severe mental illness